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The Traveling Wishlist You Should Have this year

The more detailed and planned your trip is the more excitement and motivation you will have for making it possible. It girls just Do it.

Here is my It Girl Travel Itinerary for 2023-2024

It Girls plan

Now, do I know exactly where I’m gonna go? No, but having a time frame, and a plan of some things that I want to do that helps me know where I should go, and how many days to be in each area? Forks. This also helps with knowing how much money I’ll need for my adventures. 

Things you should definitely do while planning trips: 

  • Search and estimate cost
  • research weather
  • Dos and donts of each location
  • Basic Phrases of the language of the country your going to

This is my plan on what i’m doing this summer and next spring but all plans can change. I Will definately write about my experiences and adventures when they occurr.